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I believe that I am the target of an illegal private surveillance in my own home. What do I do now?


I have a very strong belief that I am under surveillance by by a couple next door to me. I have overheard them saying that there are 9 cameras and they describe my every movement and things no one could possibly know if I were not being watched 24/7. I have called the police and they accused me of hearing voices. Just today, the neighbors that have also have been suspicious, were told that I was under surveillance for "fraud". They did not believe what was going on and said they were going to call the police but nothing has happened. This is a case of invasion of privacy and I am being stalked and it is causing me emotional harm. I can hear most of what they talk about through the walls and I am not hearing things.



  1. northernhick northernhick

    Why would they surveil you? How?

    If you think that there are cameras inside your home, hire a private investigator-type to search for them. If they’re real, then there are a variety of civil and criminal avenues which you could pursue.

    However, I have to admit that this sounds more like paranoid delusion than reality. My first inclination is to tell you to seek medical assistance.

  2. SurfingLisa SurfingLisa

    You filed a police report? Nothing? Then break out the big guns and threaten the FCC on them, it is a federal crime to illegally record/video anyone.

  3. Stephanie Stephanie

    do u do drugs? lol

  4. Brittany Brittany

    Look for the cameras. If they know your movements listen to what they describe…Where do you do those things? Find the cameras. Evidence is proof. Or record them talking about it.

  5. Alex Alex

    Wow, you might want to see a docter

  6. wg0z wg0z

    If the couple next door are actually Federal agents with a warrant then the surveillance is legal. Patriot Act gives the FBI and other agencies a lot of power and you will never be told anything.
    Ask the other neighbors if they actually did call the police.

  7. Marisol Marisol

    That is actually against the law to record on someone else’s property. The only time that a recording/video surveillance is allowed is if a law enforcement agency were to obtain a warrant to do it and in certain jurisdictions if it is done in your own home. There was once a girl I possibly in the late 90’s who found out that her landlord was recording here taking care of personal bathroom business and unfortunately she found out that because he owned the property it was not against the law. I don’t know if laws were passed pertaining to this, but if your neighbors know of the recordings and your hear them talking about it, and they talk about your being under "investigation for fraud", then in fact they are breaking the law. What you need to do is got a a store similar to "The Spy Shop" that we have here in New York. You could buy "Bug tracking/tracing equipment".

    Since the police already gave you the run around, you could try getting as much evidence as you can you so are well prepared before you contact them again. Also try getting a copy of the Penal Code for your jurisdiction. Look up laws, and regulatons concerning illegal wiretapping, etc.

    If your neighbors know your every move inside of your own apartment, they might be watching you via surveillance, or they might just be watching you from the outside and figuring out what you are up to based on lights going on/off. Ex: they might know you are in the bathroom if your bathroom light comes on, etc. Try this: Turn the light on in your bathroom, but don’t go in, leave in on for 1/2 hour, if they then say that you "used" the bathroom at a certain time, then they are just screwing with you. But, if they say that you just turned on the bathroom light and never used it, then you have enough of a confirmation to suggest that they are most likely watching you inside of your own home. Except that is not enough for a police report. What you need to do is using a tracking device to see if you have cameras inside your own home. If in fact you do find tracking devices, don’t touch them, just take pictures of them, don’t look at them directly so that they won’t figure that you are on to them. Take your evidence to the police, if they still won’t help then sue your neighbors in civil court and remember to mention in your civil court petition that you are being forced to sue to reclaim some sense of justice becuase of the inaction of the police. Most likely it won’t have to get this far, Just as long as you get enough evidence to take to the police they should help you. You could also try getting a security camera with a motion detector that has a cd rom. You install the camera and the motion detector. When the motion detector detects motion then the sec camera will start recording that the recording is transmitted to your computer and stored as memory. You could also try getting this at "The spy shop". Also get a mini cassette recorder and record them. In New York State it is actually not against the law to record someone else, contrary to what most people believe. The only thing that the recording has to be between two private citizens. Meaning that if you were going to carry the recorder in your pocket and record ONE neighbor at a time, then that recording can be used as evidence. Just check the Penal code for your jurisdiction and find out if this is allowed in your state.


    was this resolved? i have a similar situation.

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