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Legal Disclaimer

This website is provided as an informational and educational resource. Any advice given or received is not legal advice, and if you are considering legal implications of any actions you may take or that are being taken by others, you should seek the advice of professional legal counsel familiar with your situation and the laws of your locality. is not responsible or liable for any actions you may take based on any information on this website.

Affiliate Programs

This site is enrolled in several affiliate programs. This means that from time to time, affiliate commissions are earned after a reader purchases a product that we recommend. For example, if after clicking a link in an article or in the sidebar that takes the reader to a website offering a product or service for sale, they then purchase that product or service, we may receive a commission.


I may review products that I think will be of interest to my readers. These may or may not include affiliate links. I won’t endorse a product that I don’t believe is useful, commissions or not.


Note: I may mention free products or services that sound interesting without having tried them personally.


Text and image ads that appear on this blog may be provided by a third party, for example Google AdSense. We do not personally endorse the products and services advertised in these ads. These companies are not affiliated with this website.


Please assume that, for every recommendation, link, and product mentioned on this site, the following all hold true:


* we were paid a commission

* we were given a free meal

* we got some cool stuff

* we got an awesome schwag bag to hold it all in!

Please feel free to use the text and images on this page with proper attribution. There is no reason why each blogger should have to reinvent the wheel.