Im about to open up a Safety and Protection Store, its gona have all types of products, from stun guns/tasers, pepper spray/mase, pepper spray in a lipstick, cell phone stun guns, flash lights with stun guns, hidden cameras, nanny cameras, home and business surveillance, and types of other cool things, you name it, so you think it will do good?
Of course. Just like any safety store. Here is the thing though, make sure you have an online storefront as well!!! Online stores give people who want to buy these items without thinking people might get the wrong idea of them seeing them walk in a store.
I know, its safety, but people do think, why is that weird boy going in that store? Hes young, why would he need pepper spray? I bought my taser online a few years back : ]
If you do go online for business the next best step is to find affiliates. You will be amazed at the power of word-by-mouth. Find complementary websites and try to talk to the owners / management group and put a link of their site on yours and they will put one of yours on theirs. Scratch my back and I will scratch your back. When I said complementary, here is an example of what I mean, someone has a site selling shoes, a complementary site would sell socks, shoe polish, shoe repair service, custom shoe laces, and all other products or services related to shoes.
Your next step after submitting to multiple search engines and finding affiliates would be paid advertisement. Pay money to a marketing source of your choice and get your ads everywhere. Advertisement can be done freely as well and works just as well. Join as many forums related to your products in anyway possible. Just go join the forums, answer questions and build a reputation. In your profile signature, put a banner of your site or a link. As time goes by you can stop answering questions on the forum, and just say, "Hey, go to my site, I sell this."
So there it is,
1. Search Engine Submission
2. Complementary Affiliates/Sponsors
3. Advertisement, Paid/Free
That should generate more visitors to your site as time goes by. Remember, internet services/stores take time to start up initially. So many competitors on the virtual worlds, usually takes 6 months to get weekly clients let alone daily.
Hope I Helped,
Jason H.
hey i think thats a good idea i think you need to be m ore confident and look for a right location and then go for it best of luck …………..
It sounds good and it probably has every chance of being successful as long as you stick to basic business principles.
These would include drafting a business plan which includes short term to long term strategies and most importantly a revenue & cash flow budget.
I would also plan for an online marketing plan – do not underestimate this powerful marketing tool.
Check out this article regarding for more useful information on setting up a (online) business…….
It sounds good. I like the sound of nanny cameras, hidden cameras, and pepper spray in a lipstick, I haven’t ever heard of pepper spray lipstick. There are actually people that need those things. I think your business will do good.
It will somewhat be successful but, have you thought of other safety items that are useful and non-lethal in nature? I will clarify here have you thought about other things to add or include in your store besides just stun guns and mace? I for one prefer a handgun but, I will stick to knives,and swords or nun-chucks as an means of Personal Self-Defense.
It’s just a suggestion because I’m thinking of starting an business myself. I need a business plan that would work and a marketable service. I have ideas but, back to your situation, your idea is great, terrific for ladies; you need to also market towards men too.