You can sign up for a camera of your own to monitor the border from home and report invaders via computer…tell me more!
I’m sure you would be held resposible and they have an efective system
I first seen this on FOX news but would like to know more….We can stop them at the border with technology….
jose sounds like he has all the answers
This is what I found
Yes, I have heard about that. It would sure beat Yahoo Answers.
that can’t be right, they’d recieve so many false reports, it wouldn’t be cost productive
That is interesting
We could call it the new Big Brother show. And open a chat.
tell us more.
Now we have a bunch a baby sitters, right!
Yeah,i read that too. That would be totally FUN!!!!
It would not be nearly as exciting as it seems, nothing would happen for days at a time…
no it not true no belive everything u read