I would like to get cameras for my vacation home that I can view and control through the internet. I’d like them connected to a DVR, and to be motion activated so I don’t run out of hard drive space quickly.
I have someone who is supposed to be watching the place, but I want to make sure he’s doing his job and not having parties or anything at my house.
What are some good options?
I guess its hard for someone to suggest a specific product without looking at my home and getting more information.
I’ve tried looking at the websites of some of these security camera places and don’t really understand all the technical jargon.
I would like to become a more educated consumer.
Try looking on the net through a Google search for security cameras relating to your situation. In terms of specific products that you should get, then I think you should first get some advice from a security expert which would advise you about what kind of products you should be looking for.
I’ll give you the phone number to a business in my city which specializes in this kind of thing.
Secret Services, Inc.
1100 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg Manitoba
Good Luck with your vacation home’s security.
Sam’s Club has some really nice ones–I did see some that were web-enabled but it was…700$ I think.