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I am trying to set up a home surveillance system using about 3 cameras. What is the cheapest way I can go ..?


…. about it.
I don’t need anything fancy, it is going to be for indoor use only.
I am trying to set up a system to watch over an caretaker of an elderly person.

I have advanced computer and networking skills, so I am not worried about any difficulty in setting it up, rather I am just trying to find an inexpensive solution (cameras, etc…) that can do the job.

Based on one answer, I felt I should add that I need it that it can be remotely monitored.

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    hire some homeless people to stand in your house with the cameras

  2. sasyone sasyone

    I’ve seen cheap cameras that hook into vcr that works quite well.

  3. skysilentguy skysilentguy

    use webcams! This way you can get them cheap and access them from the internet by typing the IP address in your Internet Browser. However i would recommend security on these so people cant just look into your house. Just Encrypt them

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