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If there is a "terror event" at the Olympics or the Superbowl, or both, & arabs are blamed, will you…?


If there is a "terror event" at the Olympics or the Superbowl, or both, & arabs are blamed, will you believe them?

The company in charge of security at the Vancouver airport also happens to be Verint, the same company that was in charge of security for the London Underground at the time of the 7/7 attacks, after which all video cameras were said to not be functioning during the incident. Every time there’s been a terrorist attack involving public transportation – 9/11, London, Madrid – Verint (Security) Systems Inc. stock has gone up. All of these events have raised security consciousness, and more often than not Verint has been the contract winner. Verint also just happens to be the involved with the primary security companies functioning at all airports that just happened to be involved with ALL of the 911 airplane hijackings, and the recent underwear bomber.

Vancouver is going to have 10 times the amount of security that the Beijing Olympics had, and 5 times more than the most recent G20 summit

Vancouver will effectively have martial law declared; protests are banned in all but certain "free speech zones" which are well away from the games.

Stephen Harper (Canada’s Prime Minister) has prorogued Parliament for seemingly no logical reason; the Canadian parliament was going to reconvene on January 25 and would be present for the Olympics; with proroguing, they will not convene until March. Canada will effectively have no representative government during the Olympics, and if there is an attack there will be no precedent for how to deal with it.

About 13,000 police, RCMP, troops and private security will be there along with about 100 cctv cameras; NORAD is going to be there, and a joint U.S./Canadian military operation has been "temporarily" setup in Richmond, a city neighboring Vancouver.

How can you equate suspending parliament during the Olympics as a prelude to a "false flag" attack? Is parliament required to attend the games or something if they were in session? And if someone were attacking the Olympics, what advantage would it be if Parliament were not in session?"

I don’t want to scare people, or send you running in to paranoia for some kind of salvation that you cannot find within the judgment of your own heart…. don’t let your fear rule your minds.

No doubt many will simply dismiss the very idea that this kind of thing goes on in the World, there is not much anyone can do to about that.

Any thoughts?

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One Comment

  1. who is #1? who is #1?

    I don’t think Parliament not being in session is significant because contingency plans for every emergency are already in place, having been thought out long ago. Any sudden action required already has the checklists printed up, grease pencils are at the ready, notification lists prepared.

    I don’t believe much I hear on the news any more. At least the slave/citizens under CCCP knew Pravda was full of lies. Here we still expect that the news is true, and this works against us.

    We have been taught that "our side" is good and pure and honor-bound. We have been taught that when the bad guys do something bad, it’s a simple matter of "us vs them". In reality of course international politics are very complicated, everyone has spies in everyone’s camp, industries and regions get sold out for a 5 point increase in a stock price or voter approval numbers.

    It’s a dirty world in a predatory universe. Keep your powder dry, ears open and remember "the price of Freedom is eternal Vigilance".

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