I plan on installing 4 camera’s around my house (2 front of the house 2 in backyard) im not really home allot im normally out a state/city .. is it a good idea..is it even legal? (i live in orange county california)
I plan on installing 4 camera’s around my house (2 front of the house 2 in backyard) im not really home allot im normally out a state/city .. is it a good idea..is it even legal? (i live in orange county california)
Published in Security Camera Systems
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1) legal
2) great idea
3) I use wireless with IR illuminators
just dont aim into neighbors bedroom or bathroom :)
since you are not at home much, link them to the internet via GoToMyPC. then when in McD’s hotspot or the hotel’s wifi, you can see what is going on at home.
It is legal and a good idea.
yes its legal and a very good idea these days.
Legal and a good idea. However, you cannot aim the cameras to invade someone else’s privacy – in other words, don’t aim one of your cameras into your neighbor’s bedroom window.
it isn’t illegal to have a security camera around your house and i know a man from there and he has 3 cameras because his suspected the guy next to him was stealing things from his garden
yes it’s legal make sure you get thenight vision sets.2.4 ghz .need very little light around house pointed at with cameras
yes it is…but it can’t be focused on some else’s property or window for the purpose of spying on them
It’s legal and a good idea. The only circumstances that I’ve ever seen that people have gotten in trouble for the cameras was when they were using them as "peeping tom" aides on their neighbors.
Totally legit and i’d go for the 4 channel “Revo” they use one wire each camera and its a ethernet type plug. E-Z install, drill a hole or use an old cable hookup that’s no longer in use and feed them through using a coat hanger; the wires are 60′ long and it’s better to get wired ones that way no one can scan for your E-Z to pick up 2.4 GHZ wireless signal, find your weakness you get spot entry and then they jack you. It has spot on perfect 1080P quality all the time; plus you can do internet monitioring and even mobile phone monitoring and REVO has better picture quality than the famous “LOREX” wired and wireless system, and cheaper at Costco they had a side by side comparison REVO was way better pixels and $499 at Costco if you go inside everywhere else is $649 and it has night vision (works great) 4x Zoom lots of options for upgrades too.