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is there a law in california for having surveillance camera/ hidden cameras/voice recording in homes?


a friend told me that it was against the law? but is it true?? Just wondering because i would like to have it for child care and others etc…
and i wasnt able to find anything on it

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  1. stygianwolfe stygianwolfe

    If I remember correctly,you can have video,but not sound.You cant record phones,and you cant have sound on the video,otherwise you haveto have a written agreement that a person is being taped,or a posted sign.

  2. ♥ giggles™ ♥ giggles™

    No, it is not illegal to have surveillance/ hidden cameras in your home in California. My friend’s dad had them hooked up almost anywhere in their house. It was a little weird but yeah i guess you can have them.

  3. Stars and Stripes Stars and Stripes

    Many homes in our area have surveillance camera’s but also a notification.

    I am not sure that all city’s here in CA have the same rules.

    Surveillance may be under City Ordinance Law.

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