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My friends' boss put surveillance cameras in @ work-which is fine,but is it legal4the monitors 2 be @ his home?


He has the monitors in his home so he can watch his employees while they are at work. But is this illegal or just immoral?

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  1. Outdoorsguy Outdoorsguy

    Not illegal or immoral in my view. In today’s society with the work ethic some have displayed I think it is completely reasonable to monitor your employees while they are at work. The place of the monitors, either in the boss’s office or at his home, is irrelevant.

  2. wizjp wizjp

    Morality is subjective to quote Woody Allen.

    Bad idea. Not illegal.

  3. FlyMan FlyMan

    If he is the boss why not, if you are doing nothing wrong why are you worried, it is no different than him hiring an assistant to do his job when he or she is not there. As long as the cameras are not in the restroom all is ok. Most big companies cameras are linked to the internet so the bosses can watch from anywhere in the world. Also if an accident occurs they can prove you were not goofing off so the insurance will pay you.

  4. goz1111 goz1111

    Completely legal, I operate a seasonal cash business, all my employees are notified I have camera’s on the cash requester and product area, I can at anytime any where access the video feed through my computer,

    You will be amazed even when employees know they are being recorded, they still break company policy I guess the think I will not review the tapes, silly employees

  5. sensible_man sensible_man

    As long as the cameras are not in toilet or dressing areas, it doesn’t matter where the monitors are located. Nothing illegal or immoral about keeping your business safe from thieves.

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